I have
A plan.

i have
a dream.

Our Expertise

Organizational development needs a savvy mix of rationality, creativity and empathy. Our expertise can shape your visions into enduring success.

I Have a Plan

Goals & Strategy
Structure & Processes
Working Environment & Working Conditions
Vision & Purpose
Why does your organization exist? What would the world be missing if it didn’t exist? What vision are you pursuing? Is this really “your” vision, or just a marketing claim? Is it powerful enough to animate your staff and provide lasting inspiration? Let's think together about the future and define a strong, motivating vision and driving purpose behind your company.
Culture & Values
How do you envision your organization collaborating to achieve shared goals? Which factors matter most? Which values? What makes your culture special? What would you like to see improve? Are your core values firmly anchored in the DNA of the organization? We apply insightful tools and creative approaches to identify and cultivate a positive shared culture.
Leadership & Expertise
Is your leadership style more commander or coach? Drill sergeant or delegator? Does your style fit your company’s orientation? Are the right people with the right skills being deployed in the right places? To build leaders capable of mobilizing your team toward a shared vision, we survey the underlying dynamics and design development concepts — from audits to individual coaching.
I have
a dream
Vision & Purpose
Culture & Values
Leadership & Expertise

Goals & Strategies
Have you defined clear goals for your organization? Do these goals reflect the needs of the market and the company? Have these goals been systematically communicated to staff? What is your strategy for achieving those goals? Do all members of the management board know and accept the strategy? Questions like these may seem simple and direct, but are in fact critical for effectively mobilizing your staff. Our consulting focuses squarely on processes to clarify your goals and strategies.
Structure & Processes
Organizations need strong internal structures and processes to thrive. Is your business structured in harmony with your strategy? Does a network or a matrix make more sense for your business model? Are all processes clearly defined? Do they all mesh smoothly? We work with you to streamline your company’s organization and the processes that keep work flowing through it.
Working Environment & Working Conditions
What working culture do you hope to foster? Are your premises designed to accentuate and promote that vision? Is creativity supported just as much as concentration? Are employees empowered to identify locations where their efforts are best supported? Does the design and architecture nurture collaboration and exchange between teams? What can you offer top talent to distinguish yourself as an employer of choice? These questions help position your offices as more than just administrative workspaces and production halls. They ensure that both the atmosphere and environment are in harmony with your strategies.
I have a Plan
Goals & Strategy
Structure & Processes
Working Environment &Working Conditions
Wirtschaftlicher Erfolg
Economic success

Goals & Strategies

Have you defined clear goals for your organization? Do these goals reflect the needs of the market and the company? Have these goals been systematically communicated to staff? What is your strategy for achieving those goals? Do all members of the management board know and accept the strategy? Questions like these may seem simple and direct, but are in fact critical for effectively mobilizing your staff. Our consulting focuses squarely on processes to clarify your goals and strategies.

Structure & Processes

Organizations need strong internal structures and processes to thrive. Is your business structured in harmony with your strategy? Does a network or a matrix make more sense for your business model? Are all processes clearly defined? Do they all mesh smoothly? We work with you to streamline your company’s organization and the processes that keep work flowing through it.

Working Environment & Working Conditions

What working culture do you hope to foster? Are your premises designed to accentuate and promote that vision? Is creativity supported just as much as concentration? Are employees empowered to identify locations where their efforts are best supported? Does the design and architecture nurture collaboration and exchange between teams? What can you offer top talent to distinguish yourself as an employer of choice? These questions help position your offices as more than just administrative workspaces and production halls. They ensure that both the atmosphere and environment are in harmony with your strategies.

I have
a Dream
Vision & Purpose
Culture & Values
Leadership & Expertise
Social Contribution

Vision & Purpose

Why does your organization exist? What would the world be missing if it didn’t exist? What vision are you pursuing? Is this really “your” vision, or just a marketing claim? Is it powerful enough to animate your staff and provide lasting inspiration? Let's think together about the future and define a strong, motivating vision and driving purpose behind your company.

Culture & Values

How do you envision your organization collaborating to achieve shared goals? Which factors matter most? Which values? What makes your culture special? What would you like to see improve? Are your core values firmly anchored in the DNA of the organization? We apply insightful tools and creative approaches to identify and cultivate a positive shared culture.

Leadership & Expertise

Is your leadership style more commander or coach? Drill sergeant or delegator? Does your style fit your company’s orientation? Are the right people with the right skills being deployed in the right places? To build leaders capable of mobilizing your team toward a shared vision, we survey the underlying dynamics and design development concepts — from audits to individual coaching.

Our goal: helping your company regulate itself.

We know we’ve done our work well once you don’t need us anymore! Organizations built to succeed over the long term all share the ability to self-regulate.When this ability is impeded, such as through disruptive market conditions or overheating, we can help restore it at all levels.

The trinity of organization, team and individual form a unified ecosystem whose balance must be tended and respected.


From organizational diagnostics to strategic development and targeted interventions— we help companies prosper through organizational development. 

Our team is built to build your team: analytics specialists, consultants, coaches and sparring partners for executives, as well as moderators and project managers to keep things running smoothly. We join you on a quest for the right path for your organization. After all, buy-in starts with one key insight:adapt the system, not the people!



Organizations don’t come together in the abstract. They are built around living, thinking people. Team development helps the whole organism thrive. This typically starts from the top down, with executives and other leadership teams first sensitized to their crucial role as models for the wider organization. Along the way, responsibilities are clarified, behavior patterns are assessed and methods for conveying values to the broader team are formulated. The interdisciplinary nature of our own team allows us to work with an innovative palette of tools, including diagnostics, consulting, coaching and moderating.

Management Audit & Coaching

To improve your organization, you’ll need strong managers and open-minded employees. But strength and willingness are defined by more than just the ability to self-regulate and self-lead; empathy and attentiveness are needed as well. These and other competency can be mostly identified with an individual assessment or a management audit. Only once these pillars are in place, and their value is appreciated, can the entire organization come together effectively and achieve shared goals.  

As business coaches and sparring partners, we help executives diagnose, draw out and reinforce strengths in themselves and others. There is no one-size-fits-allmethod for achieving this; honesty and trust must be established before we formulate the right mix of disciplines to coach you to greater heights.