In order to develop organizations and teams you need to understand their status quo and desired future. And this is where our BridgeBrain-Toolbox comes in.

May we introduce?
Two powerful tools for organizational and team development.
Evaluate the state of your organization with the BridgeBrain Index
With the online questionnaire, you obtain a vivid initial evaluation of the current state of your organization. We call it the "BridgeBrain Index" (BBI). The questionnaire is categorized into eight dimensions, which represent an economically successful, value-oriented and sustainable company. It can be understood as a "pulse-taker" to determine the balance between "hard" and "soft" factors for an entire organization or at the team and individual level.

The Big Picture at a glance with the BridgeBrain Canvas.
The BridgeBrain Canvas (BBC) captures all the central dimensions of an organization or team. It is ideal for workshops to identify areas in need of action within an organization or to envision the ideal future. It can be used online or offline and provides essential guiding questions for each field to structure discussions. Moreover, the canvas is also highly effective for coaching and leadership development. If you want to learn more, feel free to ask us.

Wenn Sie sich einen Eindruck des gesamten BBI Reports verschaffen wollen, klicken Sie bitte hier.
For consultants specialized in organizational or team development as well as for managers ...
... who are looking holistically at both the hard and soft factors of organizations, our toolbox provides everything for tangible results that will have an impact.

- Einführung in den MYO-Framework und Methodik zur ganzheitlichen Team- & Organisationsentwicklung
- Onlinebasierte Standortbestimmung BridgeBrain Indes (BBI)
- Online-Tool Board of Organizational BridgeBrain - kurz BOBB: Virtuelles Whiteboard, an dem Teams on- und offline an der Weiterentwicklung Ihrer Zusammenarbeit arbeiten können
- Etablierung einer ganzheitlichen Perspektive und einheitlichen Sprache, um die größten Herausforderungen im Team besprechbar zu machen.
- Begleitung durch einen erfahrenen BridgeBrain-Mobilizer - vorher nachher, mittendrin. Sie entscheiden wann genau.
Sounds interesting? It absolutely is …
Four important infos, before you get started:
Costs: The price of the online questionnaire depends on the number of interviewees. For example, for a leadership team of 10 people, your cost would be 950€ ,for 50 participants it would be only 1.650€. The print version of the BBC is included for free. The license for the online version of the BBC costs 300 € per year for one project. Certified BridgeBrain Practitioners receive a 50% discount on all prices. You can find the complete price list here.
Certification: In order to deep-dive into the subject and gain insights into numerous case studies and applications, we offer a two-day certification program for becoming a BridgeBrain Practitioner. This provides you with valuable knowledge about best practices, an exciting network, and a 50% discount on all tools. The next certification is expected to take place on April 11-12, 2024, in Frankfurt. Feel free to reach out to us for more information.
Support: If you need expert advice and exchange about your projects, we are happy to assist you. From interpreting the questionnaires, to developing workshop concepts or complete process designs, feel free to reach out to us. We will then create a customized offer for you.
Procedure: For coordinating the details of your survey (number of participants, end date, etc.) or setting-up the online Canvas, simply contact us directly through our contact form. We will get back to you promptly.

Start now!
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