Our Special Passion: Family Business

“Enkelfähigkeit” means to run your business in a way that it sustains and stays competitive and adaptive across generations. In supporting family businesses and entrepreneurial families, economic, organizational, and emotional issues are intertwined in a particularly unique way. This is our expertise.
BridgeBrain is a BridgeBuilder
At BridgeBrain, we see ourselves as interdisciplinary bridge builders between the generations of the entrepreneurial family, as well as between the family and the company.

Business and Emotions in Balance
We help to align the entrepreneurial and emotional aspects to ensure the continuity and prosperity of the company. Therefore, we usually accompany such processes as a tandem team with psychological and economic expertise. In addition, depending on the focus, we also collaborate with our strong partners, Intes and the Witten Institute for Family Businesses (WIFU).
Future-Ready Organizations
Depending on the need, we work at the levels of organization, group (family and/or management), and individual, whose synchronous linkage is absolutely essential for the future viability of the company.

Our clients have BridgeBrains
Brain's world
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