„A team thrives on task-oriented, synergistic collaboration between experts who know and support each other.“
- Hans Eberspächer
Sabine Eich began her career with a commercial apprenticeship in the publishing industry and gained valuable experience in various sectors over many years. Her desire to work directly with people led her to complete a comprehensive coaching training at the Milton Erickson Institute. Additionally, the former competitive gymnast has been working as a sports mental trainer for many years, supporting teams, among others, in their development.

She is convinced that every person has enough potential to be successful.In addition to her pragmatic approach, one of her strengths is motivating people and connecting them with each other. When it comes to processes, transparency and clarity are important to her. Sabine Eich's greatest driver is her curiosity.

In her free time, she enjoys running on her treadmill or paddling on her SUP, exploring nature with her husband and two dogs, and cherishing time spent with her now-grown children. Sabine Eich loves the summer, has a weakness for cake (for which she’s willing to run miles if necessary), green tea, and a good glass of wine. She is also involved in volunteer work for the Hanau Children's and Youth Hospice Service.
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