“Willingness to change, adaptability and mental flexibility are core competencies of our time. They can be decisive for the future viability of a company!”
Steven Buttlar (born in 1979) is a communication & marketing consultant and an expert for change communication.

After his professional training and studies in business administration and tourism, he spent several years in the tourism industry working for companies such as TUI, Robinson Club, BCD Travel and Design Hotels. Later he held leading positions in other industries as well, e.g. as the Head of Corporate Communications at Compass Group in Germany – the German subsidiary of one of the world’s leading catering and facility management companies that employs more than 500 000 people worldwide.

In addition to his Partner role at BRIDGEBRAIN, he is an entrepreneur and therefore knows the difference between consultancy and operational management from that perspective also. In 2012, he founded a marketing & communications consultancy for lifestyle brands that he still leads very successfully. Moreover, he is co-founder and Marketing Director of the franchise company wineBANK – an international private member’s club for wine aficionados.

Strategy implementation, post-merger integration, employer branding – change processes require empathy, transparency and dedication. Push the wrong buttons to hinder your company or business unit. Push the right ones to mobilize your team. Steven Buttlar will help you find the perfect tonality to mobilize your entire organization!
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