“Mindfulness is empowerment, enabling human beings to draw strength and develop to their full potential – which in turn leads to changes in views and behaviour. For that reason I consider mindfulness to be the ideal basis for reflected change processes, both at individual and organizational levels.”
Niko Kohls is a medical psychologist with more than 20 years of professional experience in the relationship between human attitudes, preferences and values as well as performance, health and quality of life. As a keynote speaker, coach and consultant, Niko supports companies and non-profit organizations through management audits, employee selection and development programs, leadership coaching as well as by introducing corporate health behavior programs and change processes.

Niko holds a degree in psychology, a PhD from the University of Freiburg, as well as a habilitation in medical psychology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Munich. He worked as a postdoc at the University Hospital Freiburg and at the University of Northampton in Great Britain, earning a prestigious Samueli-Rockefeller scholarship in 2007.

From 2008 to 2014, Niko co-directed and managed the Generation Research Program of the University of Munich, which focused on finding solutions for the demographic change. In 2013 he was appointed full professor for health sciences and health promotion at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Coburg, Germany.

Niko has devised and applied mindfulness-based stress reduction and diversity management programs for companies and non-profit organizations. Only recently, he finished one of the world’s largest research projects on mindfulness in business contexts, involving more than 25 companies and over 750 employees. In addition to publishing more than 100 scientific articles, he has been invited to give more than 250 keynote lectures on health and organizational behaviour.

Niko is an experienced coach, particularly with regard to work-life balance, resilience, and questions of values and beliefs. Another of his fields of expertise is in human resource selection and development. Niko’s extensive research on mindfulness-based interventions in various settings such as in schools, the military or in the workplace have brought him recognition in corporate, scientific and public spheres as an expert in the fields of organizational health behaviour, health promotion as well as change management.

In his spare time, Niko enjoys the company of his family, sports, culture and intellectual stimulations and frequent, long walks with his dog.
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