"Sustainable impact in ecological, economic, and social dimensions thrives on an interplay of various factors: It not only requires specific skills and psychological safety on the part of the individual, but especially an appreciative corporate culture and processes with appropriate complexity. Shaping this interaction is the art of competence and organizational development."
In 20 years of professional experience, Anna-Kathrin Janousek has remained passionate about the field of competence and organizational development in various contexts and roles, both in the private sector and in the non-profit sector.

As a systemic consultant with a sociological background, she has developed a keen sense for systems and brings a great curiosity for organizational cultures and their communication-psychological characteristics.

Anna-Kathrin Janousek studied sociology, psychology, and civil law in Münster and Skövde (Sweden), and later earned a master's degree in educational media at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

She works for BridgeBrain on processes related to organisational development, individual skills and cultural development.

She enjoys spending her free time with her family in Taunus, on the climbing wall or on the yoga mat.
Competence Profile

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